
Prisoners of the Empire: Inside Japanese POW Camps

Harvard University Press, 2020

A pathbreaking account of World War II POW camps challenges longstanding beliefs that the Japanese Empire carried out a policy of prisoner abuse.



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Occupying Power Sex Workers and Servicemen in Postwar Japan

Stanford University Press, 2012

The year was 1945. Hundreds of thousands of Allied troops poured into war-torn Japan and spread throughout the country. The effect of this influx on the local population did not lessen in the years following the war’s end. In fact, the presence of foreign servicemen also heightened the visibility of certain others, particularly panpan—streetwalkers—who were objects of their desire.


A War of Words: Allied Captivity and Swiss Neutrality in the Pacific, 1941-1945

Diplomatic History2017

The Soundproofed Superpower: U.S. Bases and Japanese Communities, 1945-1972

Journal of Asian Studies2016

Base Cultures: Sex Workers and Servicemen in Occupied Japan

Journal of Asian Studies2009
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